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DO-NOT-USE-AIT2 is currently offline.
This is often due to the internet connection being down. DO-NOT-USE-AIT2 was last online at 18:51 on 14th October 2022 (Pacific/Rarotonga time).
Please try disconnecting the power from the Zenbu wireless router, waiting a few seconds, then reconnecting the power. This usually resets the connection and allows the Zenbu router to access the internet again.
After restarting your router it may take several minutes for your zone to appear online again on our website. Please be patient and reload this page again a few minutes after you have restarted your router and the 'DMZ' light on your router has gone off.
If restarting your Zenbu router doesn't resolve the problem please follow the instructions below:
- First please make sure that the Zenbu router is connected to your broadband modem/router correctly. A network cable should be securely connected to the Zenbu router's internet port and the other end connected to your modem. If the cable is connected properly the internet light on the front of the Zenbu router should be on (and may be flickering).
- Next confirm that the correct power supply is connected to the Zenbu router. Often power supplies are accidentally switched. The Zenbu router should be powered by a 12V DC 1000mA adapter.
- Once you have confirmed the above please disconnect the power from the Zenbu router. With the Zenbu router switched off, restart your broadband modem and wait until the internet connection is active again. Once your modem is online again reconnect the power to the Zenbu router and watch the lights on the front as it starts up.
The power light should flash, then after a while should remain on constantly. The "DMZ" light should come on and the "internet" light should come on and flicker as the Zenbu router starts up. (If you have anything connected to the LAN ports of the Zenbu router one or more of lights 1-4 should also come on and perhaps flicker.) After a while the "WLAN" light should come on (if you have wireless enabled on the Zenbu router). Within a minute or so the "DMZ" light should go out and your Zenbu system should be usable again. Note that it will take several minutes for your zone to show as being online on our website but it should be fully usable shortly after the "DMZ" light goes out.
If after performing the steps above your Zenbu system still does not come online please try connecting a computer directly to your modem to confirm the internet connection and network cable are working. To do so simply unplug the network cable from the Zenbu router's internet port and instead connect it directly to your computer. If your computer cannot access the internet when directly connected to your modem the problem is very likely with either your modem or with your internet connection itself (although it could also be a faulty network cable). In this case we suggest you contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.
With a reliable broadband modem and internet connection you should never need to restart either your Zenbu system or your broadband modem. If this is a regular problem you experience we recommend you consider upgrading your broadband modem and getting the reliability of your broadband connection checked (often noise on the phone line, corroded connectors etc can cause problems including decreased speeds and intermittent connectivity).
Note that if you can view this status page you can be confident that there is no problem at our end.
When operating normally the lights on your Zenbu router should be similar to the image below.

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